2022 Attorney Technology Satisfaction Survey

Jun 8, 2022

In May 2022, Dashboard Legal surveyed 560 lawyers about their use of legal technology.

The goal of the survey was to hear directly from attorneys about (1) their satisfaction with current firm technology and (2) potential solutions with the greatest interest and need.

High-level the results show that:

  1. Lawyers are generally dissatisfied with their tech stack (60%), but also believe their firm is in line with peer firms’ level of innovation.
  2. Lawyers ranked (a) preventing missed deadlines, (b) automation of repeatable tasks, and (c) improving their skillset as highly impactful and unaddressed technology needs.
  3. The most important (and unexpected) result from the survey is delineated by comparing the intensity of answers to sections 1 and 2. Where attorneys are generally ambivalent about their existing tools, they feel strongly about the potential of technology to address certain workflow needs. These specific needs are covered in this white paper.

If your role is to listen to attorneys and address their technology needs, this white paper is for you.


Attorney Tech Satisfaction Survey (June 2022)
